Welcome to the Schoolyard Roots Resource Page & Schoolyard Roots At-Home!
During this time of social-distancing, we are excited to offer resources to bring the joy of gardening and cooking into your home. On this page, you’ll find:
- Weekly SYR At-Home Videos from our Garden Educators
- Our Schoolyard Roots Garden Toolkit
- Our Alabama Planting Calendar
- The Schoolyard Roots Guide to Cooking in the Classroom
SYR At-Home Videos & Activities from our Garden Educators:
Join our Garden Educators each week as they walk you through one of their favorite garden activities. We are working together with our partner schools to add these garden mini-lessons to their distance learning activities, and you can also view them on our YouTube page here. Check back weekly to find out what’s growing on in our gardens!
Our Schoolyard Roots Garden Toolkit:
We are so excited to offer this toolkit as a free resource! The toolkit has everything you need to know about how to start a garden in your own home. From how to build a raised bed and composting system, to when to start your seeds, to how to plan your crop rotations, and more—this comprehensive guide compiles thousands of hours of research and experience into a user-friendly guide. Click here to view and download the toolkit.
This calendar will take you and your garden throughout the entire year! With helpful sections such as "What to Expect" and "Garden Tasks," remembering what to do each month in your garden will be a breeze.
The Schoolyard Roots Guide to Cooking in the Classroom:
Developed in partnership with the Alabama Farm to School Program, this comprehensive guide has everything you need to know to cook in the garden classroom (or at home!). This guide includes: twelve cooking lesson plans for grades K-5, recipes and printable recipe cards for twelve garden-centered, healthy recipes your kids will love, all of our tips and tricks from thousands of hours of cooking with students in classrooms and gardens, and more. You can dowload the whole guide for free, or choose one lesson or recipe at a time!
Tag us in your garden photos so we can see what you’re creating at home!